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Sunshine and vitality

Southern Taiwan

The average annual temperature of Pingtung is 25-28 degrees Celsius,
which is the most suitable climate for soft-shelled turtles to grow.
The warm sunshine also gives them more vitality, and the turtle meat is more tasteful.

Seasonal Feed

We select seasonal vegetables, fruits and fish from Pingtung Taiwan as feed. Probiotics and vitamins are added to boost the immune system of soft-shelled turtles, making them healthier and more delicious!

Innoxious Farm

NIYU Life have innoxious and low-density farm. baby turtles, male turtles, and female turtles are managed in separate ponds. We have consistent breeding of a complete soft-shelled turtle life cycle, a healthy ecology will continue to live here.

AI Monitoring

We regularly check the pH value and oxygen content of the water, and detect the amount of bacteria and heavy metals in the bottom sludge of the pond. Track soft-shelled turtle growth data through AI technology to adjust the best breeding environment.

Ponds Rotation

We adopt the ecological breeding method of “Breeding Ponds Rotation”. At the end of the soft-shelled turtle life cycle, the breeding pond undergoes a 6-month ecological adjustment and drying pond disinfection to prepare a new round of soft-shelled turtle in a natural growth environment.

Integrity and attentive

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Soft-shelled turtle products

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Copyright © Niyu Life All Rights Reserved